GGJ business consultancy and support services Fremantle

NDIS Add-On for the Policies and Procedures

The NDIS Add-on assists service providers delivering aged care and NDIS services to meet the requirements of the NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators using information from their Aged Care Policies and Procedures that is relevant to the NDIS requirements along with additional NDIS specific information.

The Add-on avoids having a separate set of policies and procedures for aged care and another for the NDIS, when a majority of the information for aged care is applicable to the NDIS. It avoids the workload with having to update two sets of policies and procedures.

The NDIS Add-on includes:

The Add-on includes modifications to existing Aged Care forms and the addition of new NDIS-specific documents, such as an example NDIS Consumer Handbook, Service Agreement, and Service Commencement Checklist. It also provides guidance on other required documents.

Note: At this point the Add-On only covers the Core Module of the NDIS Practice Standards. As the NDIA clarifies the requirements for Aged Care Services, we will revise the documents to include additional requirements. We will also revise the Add-On in response to user feedback on gaps or areas of improvement identified by NDIS Auditors. Depending on the extent of changes they may involve additional fees for updates.

Download Sample - NDIS Add-on Policies and Procedures [pdf]